
Advantages of membership:

Attendance on the seminar organized by Czech Clay Group.
Journal Informátor with overview about clay science.
Subscription of journal Informátor.
Possible own presentation on the www pages of Czech Clay Group.
Price reductions of conference fees organized by AIPEA.
Membership in AIPEA as a affiliated society.
Price reductions of conference fees organized by Czech Clay Group.

Presentation of members

doc. Ing. Barbora Doušová, CSc.ÚCHPL VŠCHTInorganic sorbents (As, Se), Environmental Chemistry.
Mgr. Pavel Hájek TECHFLOOR Development of the new type of materials for floors.
Ing. David Koloušek, CSc.ÚCHPL VŠCHTStructures and properties of silicates and aluminosilicates, inorganic sorbents.
Ing. Jiří Mališ, Ph.D.HGF VŠB-TU OstravaMicroscopy of rock and minerals, gamma radiation spectrometry of building materials.
RNDr. Alexandr Martaus, Ph.D. IET VŠB-TU OstravaLarge research infrastructure ENREGAT - Institute of Environmental Technologies - CEET VŠB-TUO. Possibility of in-situ measurement in a diffraction reaction cell with the possibility of heating up to 1000 °C. It is possible to submit an online application.
prof. Ing. Daniela Plachá, Ph.D. CN VŠB-TU OstravaPreparation and testing of sorbents, catalysts and photocatalysts on the base of layered silicates.
doc. RNDr. Miroslav Pospíšil, Ph.D.MFF UKMolecular simulations of intercalated clay materials.
doc. Ing. Gražyna Simha Martynková, Ph.D.CN VŠB-TU OstravaX-ray diffraction, molecular modeling, clay minerals application in nanocomposites.
RNDr. Jana Švandová, Ph.D. Didaktické centrum geologie Muzea ŘíčanyLecturer / geologist / natural scientist
doc. Ing. Jonáš Tokarský, Ph.D. CN VŠB-TU OstravaMolecular modelling of intercalated and surface modified phyllosilicates.
RNDr. Marta Valášková, DSc. IET VŠB-TU OstravaCharacterization of clay minerals and their applications for functional composites with desirable properties.
RNDr. Anna Žigová, CSc. Institute of Geology AS CR, v.v.i.Mineralogy, soil genesis and classification.

Membership rates 2025:

    rate / year
    Individual members500,- Kč
    Students250,- Kč
    Pensioners250,- Kč
    Collective membership of organizations/Firms2000,- Kč

Application form: pdf, doc
The signed application form send to a contact person.

Accounts of Czech Clay Group at FIO bank, a.s.,
V Celnici 10, 11721 Prague 1 (bank code: 2010):

Kept in CZK: 2600344578/2010

Kept in EUR: 2902875139/2010
IBAN: CZ49 2010 0000 0029 0287 5139

Copyright 2025 Czech Clay Group Webmaster: Miroslav Pospíšil