Go to the EVENTS: 2003, 2004 , 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Research of argillaceous matter and geological observation of clay raw materials have a long history in Czech lands. Details of this history, with 145 citations, were reported by Konta (1961). Roots of the Czech National Clay Group are generally seen in an increased concern and research activity focused on clay minerals and argillaceous rocks at the Department of Petrology, Charles University in Prague, in the years 1950 - 1957 under the leadership of Prof. J. Konta.
In this centre of clay research and teaching at the Faculty of Sciences regular seminars were organised, and diploma works or doctor theses in clay science were defended. The first three conferences on clay mineralogy and petrology (started in 1958) were held at this place.
Officially, the Czechoslovak National Clay Group was founded in 1963 under the organisational mantle of the Czechoslovak Association for Mineralogy and Geology joined with the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. The first scientific conference on clay minerals and argillaceous rocks in the former Czechoslovakia was organised at Charles University in Prague. The second one, held in Prague too, had already a broad international participation.
1958: 1st conference in Prague (Bohemia)
1961: 2nd conference in Prague (Bohemia)
1964: 3rd conference in Prague (Bohemia)
These three conferences were solely organised by the Department of Petrology (Charles University).
1967: 4th conference in Košice (Slovakia)
1970: 5th conference in Prague (Bohemia)
1973: 6th conference in Prague and in Kutná Hora (Bohemia)
1976: 7th conference in Karlovy Vary (Bohemia)
1979: 8th conference in Teplice (Bohemia)
1982: 9th conference in Zvolen (Slovakia)
1986: 10th conference in Ostrava (Moravia)
1990: 11th conference in České Budějovice (Bohemia)
These conferences were organised within the framework of the Group on Clay Mineralogy and Petrology being a part of the Czechoslovak Society for Mineralogy and Geology of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences.
1992: 12th conference in Bratislava (Slovakia)
1994: 13th conference in Prague (Bohemia)
1996: 14th conference in Banská Štiavnica (Slovakia)
1998: 15th conference in Brno (Moravia)
The above mentioned conferences were organised by the Czech and Slovak National Clay Group.
In 1991 the Czech and Slovak National Clay Group was registered as an independent scientific society. At first, Czech and Slovaks formed a single organization. The conferences on clay mineralogy and petrology were organised alternatively in the Czech and Slovak Republics. After the conference in Brno this jointly working group was split into the Czech Clay Group and the Slovak Clay Group.
The edition of conference volumes after each meeting became a tradition. Conference volumes do not exist for the 12th and 14th conferences, because some papers were preferentially printed in the journal Geologica Carpathica-Clays, published by Slovak Academic Press Ltd., Bratislava. Conference proceedings were not published from 19th conference.
Konta J. (1961): Research work on clay minerals and argillaceous rocks in Czechoslovakia. In: Clays and Clay Minerals 10, 426-442.
Konta J., Melka K. (1997): Czech and Slovak National Clay Group: A short historical review. Newsletter of ECGA, No.1, p. 28-31.
The Czech National Clay Group organized three seminars in 2003. All of them took place in Prague in the building of the Czech Geological Survey, Klárov 3, Prague 1.
The first seminar was the extraordinary meeting, in that the volume of the 16th Conference on Clay Mineralogy and Petrology (editors K.Melka and M. Šťastný) was introduced. It was held on April 9.
At this opportunity the following program was presented:
The spring meeting was held on June 4. Two lectures were presented:
The autumn meeting was held on December 4. Three lectures were presented :
The Czech National Clay Group edited in the year 2003 two numbers (26 and 27) of bulletin Informátor in Czech language.
Karel Melka
The Czech National Clay Group organized two seminars in 2004. Both of them took place in Prague in the building of the Czech Geological Survey, Klárov 3, Prague 1.
The first, spring meeting was held on May 26. Following lectures were presented:
The second, autumn meeting was organized on December 1.
Main lecture was delivered by K. Novotná : Mineralogy of kaolin from Kadaň region.
Afterwards M. Šťastný summarized the results of the XVIIth Conference on Clay Mineralogy and Petrology.
In the year 2004 two numbers (28 and 29) of the bulletin Informátor were edited.
It was held in Prague, in the building of the Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, from September 13-17, 2004 and prepared by the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics and by the Institute of Geology, both the organizations belonging to the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Forty six specialists participated in this meeting, 22 of them from abroad, of 15 countries of the world. The conference was opened by K. Melka, chairman of the Czech Group.
To attract people from Czech enterprises, it was decided to arrange Seminar lectures in Czech language, concentrated on sorbent and sealing clays, the first day. Foreign participants obtained printed materials in English and could participate in the discussions. This seminar was prepared by J.Konta and a part informing in the research of the crystal structure and the crystal chemistry of clay minerals was delivered by Z.Weiss. Other days, the lectures were delivered in English. Themes of original contributions were concentrated again on sorbent and sealing clays, on ecology, properties of clays, problems in mineralogy and geology of clays, soils etc. and on the utilization of clays in industrial application. These were also subjects of the poster exhibition. A free poster and a desk were available for publicity of the journal Clays and Clay Minerals by D.C.Bain.
Two invited lectures were presented:
Two excursions were on program:
(1) Foot excursion through the historical core of Prague with the demonstration of weathering effects on stones in buildings and statues.
(2) Geological excursion to Přední Kopanina quarry, west of Prague; visit of the golden opuka(marly chert), which is famous medieval stone used by builders and sculptors mainly in the 9th - 15th centuries in Prague and Czech Lands.
Participants of the Conference had opportunity to take part in the excursion to the ancient mining town of Kutná Hora, organized by the agency ITC Travel and Conference.
On the whole 23 original oral contributions were presented and 16 posters exhibited.
Conference Proceedings will be edited within the journal Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia. Roughly 20 contributions will be published.
During the conference the plenary meeting of the Czech National Clay Group took place.
The new council for the next period was elected: K. Melka, M. Šťastný , J. Konta, B. Křelina, Z. Weiss, L. Aron, M. Holý.
K. Melka decided not to put up himself as a candidate for a chairman. Afterwards M. Šťastný was elected to the chair.
Martin Šťastný (Chairman)
Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
V Holesovickach 41
182 09 Prague 8
Czech Republic
The Czech National Clay Group organized two seminars in 2005. All of them took place in Prague - in the building of the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
The first meeting was held on May 31. At this opportunity two lectures were presented:
The autumn meeting, on December 5, was held on the occasion of 75 years of Dr. Karel Melka, PhD and of 80 years of Associate Professor Ing. Josef Neužil, PhD.
The following lectures were delivered:
Proceedings of the XVIIth Conference on Clay mineralogy and Petrology in Prague (13th - 17th September 2004) were edited towards the end of the year 2005 within the journal Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia (Vol.2, No.2; 138). The Czech National Clay Group presented in the year 2005 two numbers (30 and 31) of the bulletin "Informátor" in Czech language.
A member of the Council of the Czech National Clay Group, Prof. Zdeněk Weiss, died on 5th May 2005 (born on 9th January 1942). After his death the Council was supplemented with Dr. Miroslav Pospíšil, PhD, who will take care for web pages of the Czech Group.
Karel Melka
The Czech National Clay Group organized two seminars in 2006. All of them took place in Prague - in the building of the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
The first meeting was held on June 7. At this opportunity two lectures were presented:
The autumn meeting, on November 22. At this seminar two lectures were presented:
The Czech National Clay Group presented in the year 2006 three numbers (32 - 34) of the bulletin "Informátor" in Czech language. The ISSN number for Journal Informátor was obtained. Printed version: ISSN 1802-2480 and internet .pdf version: ISSN: 1802-2499.
Miroslav Pospíšil
The Czech National Clay Group organized spring seminar in 2007. The seminar took place in Prague - in the building of the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
The spring meeting was held on May 23. At this seminar two interesting lectures were presented:
The Czech National Clay Group presented in February 2007 special issue of Informátor. The Informátor number 35 was fully dedicated to life-jubilee of prof. Jiří Konta. The spring issue of Informátor was published in May 2007.
The autumn meeting was held on November 28. At this seminar two lectures were presented:
The preparation of clay conference was started.
The Czech National Clay Group presented in the year 2007 three numbers (35 - 37) of the bulletin "Informátor" in Czech language.
The ISSN numbers for Journal Informátor: printed version: ISSN 1802-2480 and internet .pdf version: ISSN: 1802-2499.
Miroslav Pospíšil
The Czech National Clay Group organized spring seminar in 2008. The seminar took place in Prague - in the building of the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
The spring meeting was held on May 29. At this seminar one lecture and three contributions to contemporary events were presented:
The autumn meeting was held on November 26. At this seminar two lectures were presented:
Czech Clay group organized the 18th clay conference in Czech Republic.
The conference was held in September 29 - October 1, 2008 in Sporthotel Zátoň in Zátoňské Dvory near Český Krumlov, 50 years after the first national clay conference.
Conference has 38 participants included 7 foreign participants.
Main topics of conference:
A) Phyllosilicates in the Sediment-Forming Processes
B) Evaluation and Discussion of two Boos Edited by Renown Editorial Houses:
Meunier A. (2005): Clays
Bergaya F., Theng B.K.G., Lagaly G (editors) (2006): Handbook of Clay Science
C) Clay Materials in Traditional and Modern Technologies
D) Utilization of Metakaolin in Geopolymers and Building Materials
Geological excursion was arranged to the ceramics clays and diatomite deposits Borovany and sand pit in Chlum.
Afternoon excursion was about Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque historical buildings including Castel and their construcion stones in Český Krumlov.
Honorary membership of Czech Clay Group was awarded two foreign professors:
Christopher V. Jeans (England)
Hideo Minato (Japan)
The Czech National Clay Group presented in the year 2008 three numbers (38 - 40) of the bulletin "Informátor" in Czech language.
The ISSN numbers for Journal Informátor: printed version: ISSN 1802-2480 and internet .pdf version: ISSN: 1802-2499.
Miroslav Pospíšil
The Czech National Clay Group organized spring seminar in 2009. The seminar took place in Prague - in the building of the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
The spring meeting was held on May 26. At this seminar two lectures were presented:
The autumn meeting was organized together with Centre of Nanotechnology Ostrava in lecture hall of VŠB-TU Ostrava on November 26. At this seminar thirteen lectures were presented:
The Czech National Clay Group presented in the year 2009 two numbers (41 - 42) of the bulletin "Informátor" in Czech language.
The ISSN numbers for Journal Informátor: printed version: ISSN 1802-2480 and internet .pdf version: ISSN: 1802-2499.
Miroslav Pospíšil
The Czech National Clay Group organized spring seminar in 2010 with student presentations. The seminar took place in Prague - in the building of the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
The spring meeting was held on May 27. Two student lectures were presented:
The autumn meeting was organized on November 25 at the same place as spring meeting. Two lectures were presented:
We have started to prepare 6th MECC in Prague at Floret Congress Centre, Průhonice. The 6th MECC conference will be held on September 4 - 9, 2012.
A new official logo of Czech National Clay Group was established.
The Czech National Clay Group presented in the year 2010 two numbers (43 - 44) of the bulletin "Informátor" in Czech language.
The ISSN numbers for Journal Informátor: printed version: ISSN 1802-2480 and internet .pdf version: ISSN: 1802-2499.
Miroslav Pospíšil
The Czech National Clay Group published three numbers (45–47) of the "Informátor" bulletin in Czech language with information about clay science in the Czech Republic. Contributions in Informátor 47 were reviewed. In 2011, traditional spring and autumn seminars were organized.
The spring meeting was organized in Ostrava as a section of NanoOstrava conference on April 28.
Three lectures were presented:
The autumn meeting was organized on November 30, at the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Two lectures were presented:
In 2011, we organized the 19th clay conference of CNCG in Bystřice nad Pernštejnem with a very exclusive excursions to the uranium mine where we went down the shaft to 1025 m of depth, chemical finishing plant for uranium and walk inside water dam “Vír”.
Plenary lectures presented during conference:
The Czech National Clay Group presented in the year 2011 three numbers (45 - 47) of the bulletin "Informátor" in Czech language.
Miroslav Pospíšil
On 16th March, 2012 a special seminar in honor of Prof. Jiří Konta was organized at Charles University, Faculty of Natural Sciences.
The spring meeting was organized on June 21, at the Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Two lectures were presented:
We organized the 6th MECC in Pruhonice (September 4 – 9, 2012) at Floret Congress centre.
The Czech National Clay Group presented in the year 2012 two numbers (48 - 49) of the bulletin "Informátor" in Czech language.
Miroslav Pospíšil
The Czech National Clay Group published three numbers (50–52) of the "Informátor" bulletin in Czech language with information about clay science in the Czech Republic. One article contribution in Informátor was reviewed.
Informátor 50 published reviewed article: “Way to microworld” by Vojtěch Kapsa and Lubomír Skála with following abstract: “In this paper, differences in understanding physical reality in classical and quantum physics are discussed. Classical physics, as a result of our effort to describe the world around us, operates with intuitive concepts related to our everyday experience. It assumes that it is possible in reality to approach arbitrarily close to simple idealizations like the perfect isolation of the system from its surrounding, in principal arbitrary accuracy and non-interactiveness of measurement etc. Contrary to it, quantum mechanics, as a result of our ambition to understand the microworld, describes our experimental possibilities more realistically: it is impossible to isolate microsystems perfectly; measurement itself influences the measured system etc. For these reasons, quantum mechanics must use the apparatus of mathematical statistics and its the well-known paradoxes are only consequence of our limited experience with consistent statistical description of the world around us.”
Informátor 51 published article: “Rokytka, river of change” by Martin Šťastný and Pavel Hájek with the abstract: “Rokytka, although the length of the flow of only 36 km, is a very interesting river that flows through the beautiful and pure countryside with nature reserves and the highly polluted industrial area once Vysočany. In the vicinity of the river there are many interesting places, both in historical and in terms of science. Mentions the various buildings in the vicinity and is given the results of mineralogical and geochemical studies of sediments of the little river and its tributaries.”
We published remembrance of George W. Brindley from J. Konta in this number.
Informátor 52 reported conferences in the year 2013 and announced upcoming events.
We did not organized seminars in 2013.
Miroslav Pospíšil
The autumn meeting was organized on November 27, at the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics.
One lecture was presented:
The Czech National Clay Group presented in the year 2014 two numbers (53 - 54) of the bulletin "Informátor" in Czech language.
Miroslav Pospíšil
The Czech National Clay Group published two numbers (55–56) of the "Informátor" bulletin in Czech language with information about clay science, seminars with theses of lectures and upcoming conferences in the next year and overview about clay conferences and workshops in the year 2015.
In 2015, traditional spring and autumn seminars were organized.
The spring meeting was organized in Prague on May 28.
Two lectures were presented:
The autumn meeting was organized on November 26, at the Technical University in Ostrava.
Eleven lectures and six posters were presented:
Oral presentations:
Poster presentations:
Miroslav Pospíšil
The Czech National Clay Group published two numbers (57–58) of the "Informátor" bulletin in Czech language with information about clay science in the Czech Republic and in the world. Informátor published information about seminars together with abstracts of lectures, overview of published books and interesting papers and summary of previous conferences. We are announcing upcoming conferences in the next years.
In 2016, traditional spring and autumn seminars were organized.
The spring meeting was organized in Prague at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics on May 12.
Two lectures were presented:
The autumn meeting was organized in Prague at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics on November 24.
Two lectures and one commercial presentation were presented:
In the year 2016 Clays and Clay Minerals, vol. 64, no. 1, 3-74, 2016 published the book of prof. Jiří Konta: THE BEAT OF MY HEART.
Members of CNCG participated at the Mid European Clay Conference in Košice and Ph.D. student Jakub Škoda obtained the best poster presentation award.
Miroslav Pospíšil
The Czech National Clay Group published three numbers (59–61) of the "Informátor" bulletin in Czech language with information about clay science. ISSN of printed version is 1802-2480; ISSN of internet pdf version is 1802-2499.
The spring meeting was organized in Prague at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics on June 1.
Two lectures were presented:
The 20th clay conference and zeolite seminar in Prague was organized in Prague at Institute of Chemical Technology, September 12.
Three lectures were presented:
Miroslav Pospíšil
The Czech National Clay Group published two numbers (62–63) of the "Informátor" bulletin in Czech language with information about clay science. ISSN of printed version is 1802-2480; ISSN of internet pdf version is 1802-2499.
The spring meeting was organized in Prague at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics on June 4.
Two lectures were presented:
The autumn meeting was organized in Prague at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics on November 30.
One lecture was presented:
Miroslav Pospíšil
The Czech National Clay Group published two numbers (64–65) of the "Informátor" bulletin in Czech language with information about clay science. ISSN of printed version is 1802-2480; ISSN of internet pdf version is 1802-2499.
The spring meeting was organized in Prague at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics on June 27.
Three lectures were presented:
The autumn meeting was organized in Prague at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics on November 29.
Two lectures were presented:
Miroslav Pospíšil
The Czech National Clay Group published two numbers (66–67) of the "Informátor" bulletin in Czech language with information about clay science. ISSN of printed version is 1802-2480; ISSN of internet pdf version is 1802-2499.
The meetings were not organized due to Covid restrictions.
Miroslav Pospíšil
The Czech National Clay Group published two numbers (68–69) of the "Informátor" bulletin in Czech language with information about clay science. ISSN of printed version is 1802-2480; ISSN of internet pdf version is 1802-2499.
The meetings were not organized due to Covid restrictions.
Miroslav Pospíšil
The Czech National Clay Group published two numbers (70–71) of the "Informátor" bulletin in Czech language with information about clay science. ISSN of printed version is 1802-2480; ISSN of internet pdf version is 1802-2499.
Czech National Clay Group organized lectures in branch of clay minerals.
The seminar was at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ke Karlovu 3, on June 8, 2022 at 10:00.
Miroslav Pospíšil
The Czech National Clay Group published two numbers (72–73) of the "Informátor" bulletin in Czech language with information about clay science. ISSN of printed version is 1802-2480; ISSN of internet pdf version is 1802-2499.
Czech National Clay Group organized lectures in branch of clay minerals.
The seminar was at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Ke Karlovu 3, on June 22, 2023 at 10:00.
Miroslav Pospíšil